To Do Checklist
Before You Arrive
1. Take time to read through the Student Guide website!
You are responsible for the information provided to you through this website. The guide contains all of the necessary information to help you complete the following tasks. Bookmark this page for easy reference.
2. Complete all Forms and Waivers
- Confirmation Form
- Financial Certification Form
- Course Selection Form
- Student Acknowledgment, Release & Waiver
- Health Form
- Return completed forms to [email protected].
3. Activate your University of Minnesota (UMN) email
- Set up your student account, also known as your internet ID.
- Go to to initiate your account.
- Your student account gives you access to your University email, tuition bills, and critical information from instructors and administrative offices.
- When asked for your Social Security number leave that section blank.
- For technology support, go to
4. Update all contact information, check this website, and answer emails
- Please make sure the contact information you have provided to us is up-to-date.
- Always check your email and our website regularly for new information.
- Remember to read and save ALL materials sent to you from GO Minnesota and the University of Minnesota. These materials will provide answers to most of your questions.
5. Apply for a visa
- You will need to apply for a F-1 visa. See the Applying for a Visa page for a step-by-step guide to obtaining your visa.
- Remember, all international students MUST obtain a proper visa in order to study in the U.S.
- You will not be able to participate in this program without completing your visa paperwork.
6. Apply for University-owned housing and sign up for the International Early Arrival Housing for temporary housing, if needed, before the semester begins
- Housing application (active UMN account required)
- International Early Arrival Housing (Fall only)
7. Complete immunization requirements for the U.S.
8. Complete the International Student Preparation Course
9. Request any necessary health, disability, or other accommodations
The University of Minnesota is committed to accommodating students with disabilities. Please see our Academic Support section for more information.
10. Bring your official English proficiency test scores
If you have not asked your testing agency to send your official TOEFL, IELTS, or MELAB scores to the University of Minnesota, bring an official copy.
11. Pack for your trip!
Refer to the What to Bring section of this handbook.
12. Leave copies of important documents with a family member or friend
- Remember that any important documents related to your travel (e.g., passport, credit cards, health insurance) should be copied and left with a family member or trusted friend while you are at the University of Minnesota.
- If your original documents get lost, the copies will help in the process of receiving replacement documents.
13. Prepare for cultural learning
- Living in another country can be a very exciting experience. It is important, however, to remember that it can also cause anxiety and stress.
- For more information about cultural shock and study abroad see the Culture Shock section.
14. Review the Student Code of Conduct
All UMN students must read and understand the Student Code of Conduct.
15. Sign Up for Optional Activities:
- Apply to participate in the International Buddy Program.
- Plan to attend Global Gopher Experiences.
After You Arrive
1. Move into housing
2. Upload your documents to MyISSS
3. Remove registration holds
4. Attend Exchange Student Orientation and Global Gophers Events
5. Update your “current mailing address” in your MyU account
6. Finalize class registration
7. Cancel or add any classes by the end of the first week of the semester
8. Check and read your UMN email regularly
9. Check the Finances tab in MyU and pay "Amount Due" by due date
10. Have fun!